TED "Dare to educate Afgan girls"を聞いて
Listening her speech, I was surprised that she would be often dressed like a boy to escort her sister on their way to school.
I knew that girls in Afghanistan weren’t allowed to go to school because it was illegal. Also, some girls go to the secret school while most of them weren’t educated. However, their school life was more dangerous and they were in a severe condition than I thought. I realized that I am really happy to be able to study.
I admired that she was dreaming big and she looked happy to express her opinion in public. Furthermore, she said she thinks Afghanistan is a country of hope and boundless possibilities. If she had lived in another country, she could be able to go to school without being frustrated so I thought she was sad to be born in Afghanistan and she didn’t like her country very much. However, she loves her country and she believes in Afghanistan.
Finally, I was moved by her speech, so I recommend watching her video.